Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Children's Literature Activity Little Red Riding Hood

Directions: Click on the two audio links below and listen to the two different version of Little Red Riding Hood. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and be sure to research your answers. Don’t just guess, look up the answers using the literature criticism sources. Remember you can compare answers. You also can post questions to the blog to help find some these answers.

Little Red Riding Hood Story 1

Little Red Riding Hood Story 2

1. Compare and contrast the two different versions of the stories. Be sure to use specific examples from each story. You need to explain at least three differences and three similarities.

2. Which of the two tales is the original? What examples are contained in the stories that help support your answer? Why do think the story has changed? (Use the reference sources or the databases to support your answer.)

3. What are the morals or lessons of the stories, and do they stay the same or change, when comparing both versions of the story? If so how? If not why?

4. What are the endings of the each story, and why are they different? What does the huntsman symbolize in the second story? Why is this character male?

5. Research and find two other children’s tales that have been changed from its original version, and explain the changes and analyze why the changes were made.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Directions: Click on the following link : http://mediaeducationlab.com/1-whats-copyright-music-video  and listen to the song about copyright.  Use this link : http://mediaeducationlab.com/sites/mediaeducationlab.com/files/Copyright%20Song%20lyrics_1.pdf  if you want to look at the lyrics of the song.

1. What is your understanding of what copyright means based on the song?

2. After sharing your answer with you classmates, How has your understanding changed?  What new information do you learn from your  classmates?

Part B Using this link http://www.open-spaces.com/article-v2n1-loren.php read this article and write a summary for each subpoint:

1. Introduction:

2.A Quick Trip Back in History

3.Copyright in the United States

4. The Dark Side of Copyright Today

5. The Importance of Balance in Copyright Law

6. Copyright and Censorship

7. The Future of Copyright

Part C :  Use the following link: http://mediaeducationlab.com/sites/mediaeducationlab.com/files/Section%201%20understanding%20copyright%202009.pdf

and complete the handout at the end of the article.  In area below list two questions you would like to answer related to copyright.  Write a five sentence summary of your research findings for each questions.  Include a citation for the online database sources used.

Question 1:


Question 2:


Part D

Use Moviemaker or some other video editing program and create images different images for the copyright song list above.  If you need help see me and I will help you get started.  You can use the same method as making a booktrailer.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Media Literacy II Evolution Literature and Pop Culture

Part I

Directions: Click on the link below and listen to the original tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. As you are listen you may want to take notes to remember characters names or specific events of the story. Next answer the following questions about the story.

Click here to listen to the original story

1. Who is the main hero of the story, and how did this hero save Ali Baba?

2. What is the theme or moral of the story?

3. What is ironic or unusal about the main hero of this story. Remember that this is an Islamic story and from that tradition.

Part II

Directions: Click on the links below and what the cartoon clip of the Ali Baba story? Anwer the following questions after watching the clip.

Click here to watch clip.

1. What is the lesson or theme of the cartoon?

2. What are some of the major differences between the cartoon plot and the original story?

3. Why do you think the themes of the stories are so different?

4. What literary American character created by John Steinbeck is embodied in the dim-witted character of
Hasan, and is the cartoon culturally insensitive to Middle-Eastern culture, why or why not?

5. What is ironic about the use of the magic lamp in this particular story, and how does its use reflect the
cartoonist’s extreme use of poetic license and the audience’s familiarity with this type of tale?

6. How does the cartoonist use dialogue and music and sound effects to add to the humor of the cartoon?
(Include specific examples)

7. How does the creation of the cartoon version of the story demonstrate how literature changes when it is presented in a new format? Does the video/cartoon format help people learn more about the originally story or confuse them? What is being lost by the transition from text to video? What is being gained by this same transition?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Video Literacy

Click on the link below and watch the video. Be sure to read the information about the video so you will have more background information about what you are watching. After watching the 1 minute video clip answer the following questions:

1. Which candidate was being supported and which candidate was being attacked by this ad?
2. What is message of the ad?
3. What images are used in the advertisement and why were these images selected?
4. What type of emotional response did this ad invoke on its audience?
5. Do you think this was an effective ad in persuading voters, why or why not
6. Do you think the advertisement gave a fair impression of the opponent, why or why not?
7. Was the ad informative? why or why not?

Click on the link below and watch the video. Be sure to read the information about the ad on the website. It also may be helpful to do some outside research on the election and this famous ad. After viewing the ad answer the following questions:


1. How is this ad different and similar to ad you watch previously?
2. What made this ad so effective?
3. Did this ad objectively present the facts of an issue why or why not?
4. What was your initial reaction when you first saw the ad, do you think the voters in 1988 had the same reaction, why or why not?
5. What is the implied message of the ad and what are the possible missing facts were left out the ad, and why they left out?
6. How accurate do you think the ad was in reflecting Dukakis’s real views on crime?
7. Do you think this was an effective ad, why or why not?

Click on the link below and watch the music video with out any audio sound. After watching it a few times, answer the questions below:

Click here to play video part.

1. What impact did camera angles, lighting, imagery, characterization, and tone have on the overall impact on the viewer. Would classify the overall tone of this video as in-your-face, humorous, serious, or psychedelic? and why?

Click on the link below and listen to the audio part of the music video. After listen to audio part, answer the following questions below:

Click to listen to audio part of music video

1. What style of music is this? What types of themes and imagery are associated with this song? What is the significance of the repeating chorus? What is overall message of the song?

Comparing the two clips answer the following questions:

1. Are the video and song compatible? Do they tell the same story? Why or Why not?
2. Did your interpretation of the both clips change after watching video clip and then hearing the sound clip. How did it change?
3. Does the video, add depth or value to the song, or does it seem to be more of a marketing ploy? Why or Why not?
4. Which would convince you more to buy a CD or download the song: seeing a video or hearing a song? Why or why not?